I was able to get a little rest last weekend....
This weekend is the 7th & 8th Grade Retreat.
We have been staying very busy here on the mountain. We did have time to go on a church retreat on the pacific coast of Honduras. From the shore you could see El Salvador to one side and the other Nicaragua was barely visible. The weather was much hotter and the swimming was good.
At school the students have had several events including a Band/Choir/Guitar concert. There have been a couple of teacher meetings which has allowed me to meet several parents.
The 7th grade has several students that want to make a difference for God in the school and it is exciting to talk with them and encourage them. I started a 7th grade boys Bible study two weeks ago. It is a small group but we are praying for more students next year. I want to use this to try to develop a couple of students. The retreat is coming up tomorrow and I am praying that it will be a time to draw the students closer to God and that they will reaffirm their committment to make a difference for Him in the school.
Prayer Requests:
-7th&8th grade retreat
-7th Grade Bible Study-growth of the students involved
-Leaders in the 7th Grade- Andrea, Florencia, Josue, Bryan and Kevin
-Good finish to the school year
-Preperation for coming back for the summer
-Gods continued provision for our daily needs
-Good Health
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