I wipe crumbs from the counter on my way to grab the juice and return it to the fridge…the mound of laundry flows over the basket and puddles onto the floor into the kitchen door. Today I will do what I did yesterday and tomorrow it will need to be done again. Another meal, another load, sweep, mop, hug, read this book a hundredth time… “If you wanted to come as a servant Lord, you should have been a mother”…I can hear it with a Yiddish accent like a quote from Fiddler on the Roof.
And as I sit for my quiet time, I reread old sermon notes and look up some of the verses. “The difference between being burned out and being poured out is whether my focus is on my energy or God’s supply.” There it is Lord. Too often my focus is the American, ”I’ve got a right!” rather than the Servant’s approach. In His Kingdom there is no line between the sacred and the secular. Dirty dishes and diapers become a sacred act when my life is lived as His servant. If my focus is on the job itself, I begin to expect some kind of reward. I feel taken advantage of. “Haven’t I told you a hundred times to….?” I remember my Dad years ago calling me up short when I fussed, “Isn’t that the problem with servanthood? Everyone treats you like a servant.” Umm….yes….. that IS kind of the point.
As the days fall into their pattern let my focus be on Your endless supply Lord, seeing every act as one of sacred service to You….through all the repeated tasks of loving and serving this family. Then what is poured out will be the fragrance of Praise….
“and the whole house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume…” John 12:3
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