Monday, August 31, 2009

real life blessings

Life in Honduras. Funny how you need to get reacclimated to life in another country after only a few weeks of ease in the states. I was taking my daily constitutional...yes I walk 2 miles a day now to pick up Jubilee after a half-day of PreK....anyway, I saw this iridescent blue green lizard and my first thought was, "someone's going to be sad he lost his toy out here in the road," then I got closer and the "toy" ran off. Oh, yes, I am in Honduras and it makes sense that a huge shining lizard is laying there in the dust.
On Saturday we walked to the school to play at the playground with the kids. On the way back a delivery truck passed us that advertised a furniture gallery in Chicago. Harold remarked, "Wow, that's SOME delivery charge!" Vehicles from the states get a new life here. A former Tennessee schoolbus now serves as a rapidito, careening around the corners up and down our mountain on a regular basis. I've seen a bus with Maryland plates and various types of delivery vans. If vehicles could talk you wonder the war stories they tell in the garage at night.
Friday was Open House at the school so I got to talk to all the kids' teachers and hear some of their own stories. Jubilee's teacher told me,"Sometimes a child's name just fits-she's such a joy to have, always singing something." Gabe's teacher told me about how she became a christian as a teenager after losing her Dad and having her family fall apart as a result. She switched careers in mid-life after a lot of God-nudging and has been teaching 1st grade at Pinares for 8 years. I'm so glad God placed him in her class. Just what he needed. Charis' Bible teacher bragged on her ability to define the gospel and Nayt's physics teacher reassured me that he will make it even through his test anxiety. The Spanish teacher says Josiah understands a lot-he just needs to speak it more.
Tonight we had one of the new teachers over for dinner. He told us that he and his wife had been praying for God to expand their territory. In one day he lost his teaching job of 25 years and his Mom. After grieving these losses he realized their purpose was to answer his request. God said, "I have a new place for you." Sometimes answers are painful.
Tomorrow is a "planned power outage" from 8 to 4. We have plenty of unplanned outages, so it is nice to get a warning. Gabe reminded me he can't bring anything for lunch that requires the microwave and Harold reminded me to fill the pila -a cement water tank in the laundry area- so that I will have water. I did a load of laundry that I figure I can hang out in the morning. This is Honduras-you adjust. And you are reminded how grateful you are that you have running water and electric most of the time, and your floor is tile not dirt (even when it does feel cold it's clean)...and so many other blessings.

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