Tuesday, September 8, 2009

when pigs fly

As I walked to school to pick up Jubilee from PreK, I was thinking how perfect the day was...low 70's, breeze swaying the eucalyptus tree, guanacaste still in bright orange bloom by me, sun shining-yeah this is the postcard Honduras. Sure my calves were hurting as I pushed that 3-seater stroller uphill when I hadn't done it for a week...and I was more than a little embarrassed as I walked by the guard with my red face, but I made it and headed up the steep hill to the elementary school. "This will be easier when we live closer," I thought,"then I can walk for fun instead of out of necessity."
Something wasn't quite the same at the playground. Less than a dozen kids played there when there should have been close to 40. When Jubilee's teacher came out late with her bunch, she greeted me with,"Don't leave until I give you her work." I thought, "Homework, in PreK?" She continued, "I guess you heard you will have two weeks to do it?" I must have looked confused because she started to explain, "School is closing for two weeks after today. " We chatted for a while, I picked up homework and headed over to Harold's office to see what he was up to. The campus buzzed with talk of two weeks break and Nayt said he'd seen the space alien guys earlier (department of health guys in full gear). No we hadn't had any confirmed cases of the terrible flu, it was just a precaution after some schools in the city closed. At dinner that night Charis told how one of her Honduran classmates in writing English sentences on the board used the words "pig flew" rather than "pig flu" -easy mistake, and we all joked about it. Yeah, two weeks off of school when you've just started...when pigs fly -well the swine flu made it a reality.
So here we are with two free weeks and everything on the brink of being ready. The campus is officially closed. Not even the maintenance guys around. (We had to scramble to get our bottled water delivered before they all left.) Things had just gained good momentum, like a train beginning to climb a big hill, the school year stretched ahead....now everyone has to rethink and replan and restart the year. And, selfishly I thought, if we were going to have 2 weeks off couldn't it have been just a little further into the year so that I could use it to pack? We are hoping to move up the hill this semester and may possibly be able to do it this fall if our house here can be rented to another mission that's interested. They are supposed to come later this week to look, but I'll lose the whole possibility of cleaning the other house and maybe painting.....to a Mom of 8 who is frugal with everything (even time) it seems like such a waste.
Pray for God's purpose to be accomplished in this. Though it seems like a big, frustrating hassle to us, nothing happens that He doesn't allow.
On another note, we ask you to pray for Harold's mom, Hattie, who is in the hospital again with some complications from her surgery earlier this summer. She's been struggling through her first chemo treatment and a scan revealed that she will need another small needle surgery to remove fluid. It's hard to be far away from family at these times.

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