We've been hanging out at home, waiting for "normal" to return. Not sure when that will be as curfew is extended indefinitely. We're so grateful that power and water are on and that we had a chance to shop with another teacher during the first 2 week flu break. The cupboards aren't bare, but I may need to do some creative substituting for ingredients we don't have like milk and eggs. The photos above are just at the bottom of our mountain. Harold and the boys ate at that BK last week during their venture out on public transportation and the Pais is actually a Walmart owned grocery store that we shop at regularly. There were hundreds of people lined up (people said, we didn't go as the school felt a bus full of gringos would really stand out). Apparently the stores were quite empty by the end of the day. Thanks so much for your prayers for our family and this country. God is in control!
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